Local Area

Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council Image


SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST SKELSMERGH, Helme Lane, Skelsmergh, Kendal, LA9 6NX Click Here

Skelsmergh Community Hall Click Here

Winter road maintenance and gritting

To replenish local grit heaps, please contact Cumbria County Council, or Westmorland and Furness Council, by phoning 0300 3032992 or by using the webportal Cumbria Highways

This phone number and web portal will be continuing into Westmorland and Furness Council (notifications will be issued if changes are made). 

Please click here for more details

Highways enquiry click here

Local Priority Grit Routes 



Local Walks - opens PDF's in a new window

Circuit walk

Walk East

Walk North

Walk South

Walk West


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Enquiries relating to Parish Council matters should be addressed to the Clerk to the Council: Ron Anderson
Tel: 07841 591223
Email: clerk@skelscalpc.org.uk
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